You are invited to 2 events this Saturday at St. John's!
St. John's School Christmas Bazaar will be December 10, 2011 from 9:00am to 1:00pm. There will be lots of handmade items, professional crafters, jewelry, too many to list! Get all your Christmas shopping done in one day! Finish up your Christmas shopping while supporting our school. FREE Admission. Featuring: returning and new crafters and vendors, a Christmas gift raffle, refreshments, and homemade baked goods. For more information, please visit this site:
Parish Christmas Pot Luck Dinner - Bring the family for a night of fun and fellowship following the 5:00pm Mass on December 10, 2011. Dinner is “Pot Luck,” so bring a main dish and a side or dessert. We will furnish drinks. Santa will be present for the kids. We will have Christmas music for everyone, and there will be gifts and crafts for the little ones. The St. John’s School and Religious Education students’ “Keep Christ in Christmas” posters will also be on display and for pick-up. So come on out, join in the fun and celebration, and help us say “Happy Birthday!“ to Jesus.